As a married man u have lots of responsibility as a father, husband and as a married man. Your wife and kids becomes your first priority in life they become your new family, your selfie with blood, you now have an image of yourself. Your love for your wife and children becomes extraordinary, they become part of you. As a husband and a father you let go your youth or bachelor's life were you do things on your own, you will limit that past regular clubbing, hanging out with pals, coming home late or sleeping out. You now have a home, wife and kids to welcome you home. Be the kind of father you want your son's to become and be the kind of man you want your daughter to be with, always seek their opinion before deciding for them, put them on the right path , the ways of the Lord and don't let them depart from it. Even the Bible says in the book of Proverbs that to whom the Lord loveth He correcteth; even as a father the son in whom he deligheth. It is not normal for parents to show that they love a child than another,they are equal no matter the behavior they portray,they are to be loved equally. Parents should
correct their children and love them unconditionally and endlessly. Don't love him/her because he/she gives more than the other. Apologies should be done when needed to our children if wronged, we shouldn't say because they are children, I'm older or think it is not necessary because they are my kids,do let them know you are sorry. Treat your wife with respect, show her how much you love her and say sweet words to her. Appreciate every effort of her and never abandon her when she needs you, create time to be with her celebrate her as a mother and wife. It is noted in the Bible that women are trees of life,to them that lay hold upon her and happy is every one that retaineth her. Be of good behaviors to your family and take good care of your home.
Article by
Soetan Tobiloba
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