22 September 2014


Sitting at the extreme corners of my room while she walks by with her 10year old son and the thought for the ways of a mother towards her offspring flashes through my very emotional heart. I can't but wonder the ways of a mother towards her child. Thus, I got to realize that from the moment she says I do till the moment she conceives it's a responsibility no man could ever phantom. Being a mother and a wife could seem usual but it comes with great responsibility and natural but very necessary obligations.  On that lovely monday morning I tried to analyze the theory behind the fact that 80% of ladies with kids endure a lot. In no particular order i examined the power of a mother and wife in my own personal view.
 Her major responsible Is to take Care of the home no matter how tedious if might be. Getting pregnant is no child's play,giving birth to one can't be deducted neither would d fact that she takes care of her offspring, husband and entire family should be greatly noticed. She goes to work, takes care of her child/children, husband, families(including in-laws) and still takes out time to give her man a treat whenever he so desires. A mother is always spontaneous and flexible taking into consideration the fact that she has to build a life for her child to follow positively  which most of us men still find difficult  to admit even when we truly know what they do go through.
 On that faithful Monday I called her and we had the following conversation below: 
How do you cope with work and still make out time to keep up with your responsibility as a wife and mother ? 
It could be very tiring she said,but I must confess the love of a mother towards her child is indescribable, you just see it as If you aren't doing nothing because what makes you is your family.

Does your husband know what it takes to be a wife and mother?? 
The truth is whether he knows or not I just have to make both work as my mum once told me " that which gives you joy,you must do always"

How was your first experience of child birth?
Lol!! It was a beautifully ugly experience because the moment I held my baby I felt no pain no more. 

So r you saying you would choose to be a woman if given a chance to come back to earth after you are  long gone on earth??
I don't intending anytime soon(lol) now but I will choose it again and again and again because the power behind being a mother is far from the word marriage. I had him in me for 9 months, during the good bad and ugly he stood by me so the least I could do is to love and cherish him unconditionally and endlessly.

At these point I was overwhelmed and asked her how would she describe having a child and still takes care of her husband ??
He saw me, he loved me and I decided to spend the rest of my life with him and my prospective kids to be not because I was forced but because I choose to and  the love of 
Mother and wife to her family can never be quantified as I derive joy and pleasure in so doing. It could be annoyingly beautiful but it's also could be beautifully annoying.  All wives and mothers are privileged to have the honor with power to multi-task without hardship because it is who we are. 

At these point I became speechless and realized the ways to a mother and wife is indescribable no matter how hard we try to unravel the misery behind it. I thank God for having a mother who takes care of me, my other siblings and her husband. She wakes up by 4 am to prepare me for school,prepare my dad for work, prepare us breakfast, forgives us no matter what we do and takes joy in doing the best she can to comfort us which makes EVERY woman/mother a jewel of inestimable value!!

Thanks to my humble friend Tunde  (Thinny) for taking his time on this great article.

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